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Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Английский язык, лингвистика [16]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Бухгалтерский учёт, аудит [71]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Древняя история [31]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Историки [4]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Исторические личности [51]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов История Российской Империи [47]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов История СССР [17]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов История древней Руси [40]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов История средних веков [19]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Культура и искусство [7]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Литература [13]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Логика [4]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Маркетинг [29]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Менеджмент [73]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Новая и новейшая история [7]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Педагогика [70]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Политология [10]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Право, юриспруденция [35]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Психология [29]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Разное [5]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Социология [11]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Страхование [2]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов ТГП [3]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Туризм [54]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Философия [28]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Экономика [67]

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Ожидают модерацию 10964 статьи
Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Приемы развития фонетических навыков на начальном этапе изучения английского языка [Просмотров:12308]
Введение. Тезаурус. Глава 1.Особенности обучения фонетике на начальном этапе. 1.1.Определение начального этапа. 1.2.Цели и содержание обучения фонетике. 1.3.Принципы обучения произношению. 1.4.Методы работы над произносительной стороной речи. Глава 2.Использование приемов развития фонетических навыков на уроках английского языка. 2.1.Сравнение с родным языком как прием развития фонетических навыков. 2.2. Фонетическая зарядка. 2.3.Использование песенного и поэтического материала...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Концепции современного естествознания [Просмотров:11499]

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов British Parliament [Просмотров:9283]
Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. This means that it has a monarch as its Head of the State. The monarch reigns with the support of Parliament. The powers of the monarch are not defined precisely. Everything today is done in the Queen’s name. It is her government, her armed forces, her law courts and so on. She appoints all the Ministers, including the Prime Minister. Everything is done however on the advice of the elected Government, and the monarch takes no part in the decision-mak...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Big cities and places of interest in Russia [Просмотров:8628]
I live in Russia and I love my native country. I`d like to tell a little about its big cities and places of interest. The biggest city is Moscow, the capital of Russia. This is one of the biggest cities of the world where about 10 million people live. Moscow is located in the middle of the European part of Russia. Moscow was called after the Moskva-river which flows through the city. The first written mention of Moscow dates back to 1147, this year is considered to be the foundation year ...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов The Beatles [Просмотров:6824]
The English ROCK MUSIC group The Beatles gave the 1960s its characteristic musical flavor and had a profound influence on the course of popular music, equaled by few performers. The guitarists John Winston Lennon, Oct. 9, 1940; James Paul McCartney, June 18, 1942; and George Harrison, Feb. 25, 1943; and the drummer Ringo Starr, Richard Starkey, July 7, 1940, were all born and raised in Liverpool. Lennon and McCartney had played together in a group called The Quarrymen. With Harrison...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Autumn [Просмотров:7137]
Our country is very big and lies in the northern hemisphere. The climate and the seasons differ a little bit from each other in Russian regions. But everywhere it is hotter in summer and colder in winter. In spring new grass grows and nice flowers blossom. In autumn leaves fall off, the harvest is collected and everybody and everything prepares to winter. This is typical for all countries of the northern hemisphere. The autumn months are September, October and November. The autumn is not es...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Australia [Просмотров:8669]
Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere (that is the bottom half of the world). This is why it is sometimes called the Land Down Under. Australia is the smallest, flattest, and driest inhabited continent in the world. It is the only country which is also a whole continent. 18.6 million people live here. The people of Australia are called Australians. Australians call different parts of their country by different names: • The City Is any large city and its suburbs. Over 85% o...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Art - Museums and Galleries [Просмотров:6975]
One calls the art the memory of the nation. It connects us with earlier generations, with the history of our own nation and the whole civilization. With the help of the art the person can be formed and the best qualities cultivated. The art brings a lot of joy to the person, appeals to our feelings, makes us to share them, teaches us to think. There are different types of art: painting, graphic arts, sculpture, literature, architecture, theater, movies. Each of this type is rich in contents...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов American character [Просмотров:7941]
American society seems to be much more informal than the British and, in some ways, is characterized by less social distinction. Students do not rise when a teacher enters the room. One does not always address a person by his title, such as "Major" or "General" or "Doctor" in the case of a holder of a Doctor of Philosophy degree. The respectful "Sir" is not always used in the northern and western parts of the country. However, it is best to use a person`s title when first meeting him/her, a...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов American autoindustry in 1920`s [Просмотров:8891]
As America moved into the "Roaring Twenties", the automobile became an important part of the every citizen`s life. The car became more affordable for the people with the average income. Automobile production figures rose from two million in 1920 to five and a half in 1929. By the late twenties a point was reached at which it was possible to move the entire population of the United States by road at one time, since there was close to one motor vehicle for every five people. Thus the car was no ...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Alabama state [Просмотров:7373]
After the battle came the night. It was the night of March 27, 1814. The soldiers stretched wearily by the campfires. General Andrew Jackson sat in his tent at Horseshoe Bend and thought of the great victory. At last he had broken the power of the Creek Indians. Hundreds of warriors lay dead in the sweeping bend of the Tallapoosa River. Across the river, deep in the forest, a man stood motionless and alone. He was William Weatherford, also known as Red Eagle, a leader of the Creeks. He had ...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Air contamination caused by human activity [Просмотров:5758]
1. AIR CONTAMINATION Insertion into atmosphere or the creation of the chemical agents and substances caused by natural, and anthropogenous factors forms an air contamination. The natural sources of contamination of an atmosphere are volcanos, wood fires, dusty storms, a weathering etc. These factors do not threaten with negative consequences to natural ecosystems, except some catastrophic natural phenomena. For example, the eruption of a volcano Cracatao in 1883, when into atmosphere 18 km...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Africa [Просмотров:7984]
AFRICA, the name of a continent representing the largest of the three great southward projections from the main mass of the earth`s surface. It includes within its remarkably regular outline an area, according to the most recent computations, of 11,262,000 sq. m., excluding the islands.1 Separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea, it is joined to Asia at its N.E. extremity by the Isthmus of Suez, 80 m. wide. From the most northerly point, Ras ben Sakka, a little west of Cape Blanc, in 37 d...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Adjective [Просмотров:7676]
The adjective expresses the categorial semantics of property of a substance. It means that each adjective used in tile text presupposes relation to some noun the property of whose referent it denotes, such as its material, colour, dimensions, position, state, and other characteristics both permanent and temporary. It follows from this that, unlike nouns, adjectives do not possess a full nominative value. Indeed, words like long, hospitable, fragrant cannot effect any self-dependent nominations...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов Abraham Linkoln [Просмотров:6507]
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Early Life 3. Ancestry 4. Childhood 5. Young Manhood 6. Politics and Law 7. Illinois Legislator 8. Marriage 9. Congressman 10. Disillusionment with Politics 11. Return to Politics 12. Campaigns of 1856 and 1858 13. Election of 1860 14. Presidency 15. Sumter Crisis 16. Military Policy 17. Emancipation 18. Foreign Relations 19. Wartime Politics 20. Life in the White House 21. Reconstruction 22. Death 23. Source Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 1...

Бесплатная коллекция (банк) рефератов About Me [Просмотров:5386]
Let me introduce myself. My name is Tatyana. My surname is Petrova. I’m 17 years old. I live in a big city. My family isn’t large. I live together with my parents and my little brother. I look like my father. My appearance isn’t very unusual. I have brown eyes and short brown hair. My lips are red and a little plump. My cheeks are pink. I like my face and my figure. I’m fit because I’m going in for sports. I play tennis and I also swim in a swimming-pool. I like walking too. I have many ...
